Why Us…
KE Rents ensures to landlords that the quality of service provided from us is exceptional. Our highly qualified team operates differently to others, as we make sure that our service is PERFECT from the start. So why exactly are we the best at what we do? Here are a few reasons that portray our significance:
Transparency With Landlords: Making sure the landlord knows what is happening within their property and providing various information/photos/videos to ensure that their property and our service is at its best.
High Quality Cleaning Team: We have the best cleaning squad out there! The landlords can rest assure that their property is going to be kept at the best standard possible. From previous experience, landlords have even noted that their property looks better than it previously was, at KE Rents this is what we love to hear!
Thorough Checks On Tenants: Landlords have concerns on who will be living within their properties. We make certain that all tenants are thoroughly background checked. Our specialised management department have an outstanding amount of tenants within our systems waiting for rooms, all of which have been checked and ready to go!
Guaranteed Rent: This is the most important for landlords. At KE Rents, we assure that landlords receive their guaranteed rent no matter what. Even in impossible scenarios such as rooms not being tenanted (which is unthinkable and has never occurred), the landlord would still receive their rent. Your rent will ALWAYS BE GUARANTEED.